Thursday 25 April 2013

We had about 45-50 women golfers come out to Tuesday's Opening Evening.  It was a fun night.  I want to say Congrats to Marg Brooks who won the 50/50 draw.   When Marg purchased her ticket, she simply stated "I don't know why I buy these, I never win." - I leaned over to her and told her to change her thought and put it "out there" that tonight she was going to win!  She stated "Ok, today I am going to win!" - And she did!

Same with golf!  Put that thought out there that you are going to have a great golf season!  It could be a thought to lower your score, or simply that you are going to make 2013 a fun social golf season!  If you do the latter, you will be surprised that your score comes down anyway because we are no longer stressing about it!

Sandra sent a mass email out yesterday to tell all who were unable to make it Tuesday about the information shared.  Here is another re-cap:

Tuesday Night League:  Starting a week earlier this year - May 28 and ending one week later.  This will take care of the two Tuesday cancellations - one for the Invitational and one for the day after the Club C's.
As of Tuesday, we had only 27 people sign up.  Please try to get into the Proshop soon to sign up before May 14th.   We are looking for Team Captains!  See Darren in the pro-shop and he can tell you all the details.

We have increased the league fee's this year to $5/week.  $4 for the league and $1 for a hole-in-one fund.  The fund will be a split up at the end of the league play.  If it is not won, it will be applied to the year end closing in ways of bbq costs and/or prizes.

To make the league a bit more fun, each week we plan to have a hidden hole.  This hole will be randomly chosen by the proshop.  The worst score will be the winning the prize. This prize will be given out weekly, so check with the proshop to see if you won.

Cathy Thomson will be looking after the birdies/puttsagain this year.  See Darren if you need to have this explained in detail. 

Member/Guest Day - Sunday, June 9th:  We have moved the date back a week, as the Zonta Golf Classic has been scheduled for June 2.  Last year you may recall that they followed each other from Sunday to Monday, which meant both tournaments were not fully attended. 

The Member/Guest day is a great way to bring out friends, co-workers, sisters, daughters, neices, neighbours, aunts and mothers!!  This is a non-competitve event, a day of fun and bonding.  The cost is $35 for a member and $55 for your guest.  Thank you Judy VandeCappelle of Brantform Tech for your sponsorship again this year!

Members of the Women's Committee modelled the new women's wear from the pro-shop Tuesday.  Take a look of some of the new items if you are looking to expand your wardrobe.  Ask Darren about the golf shoes I modelled.  I could not get over how light they were.  They would make a huge difference to your stride on those hotter, steamy July days!

Anyway, I will try and keep this blog updated.  Please feel free to add  a post and/or a picture.  We really want to keep this an interactive blog, which informs and motivates women at Caigowan!

See you all soon - the weather this weekend looks like it will be cooperative - so get your gear on and enjoy the course!


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